Monday, December 7, 2015


Come find out the crucial intersections of gender, climate change, ending war/conflicts, and building economic alternatives to capitalism.

As thousands of climate justice movements gather in the Climate Action Zone, frontline feminist leaders from global grassroots movements will convene an assembly on the leadership of women within the climate struggle. The World March on Women (WMW)’s International Secretariat, members of the World March of Women Kenya, the US, and Paris, the It Takes Roots delegation, La Via Campesina, the Groupe Genre et Justice Climatique and other feminist groups in Paris will come together with for a climate justice Women’s Assembly. The purpose of this convergence at the critical intersections of environmental justice, gender equality, and economic justice, is to connect the dots between climate change, gender, war, land, and the economy. The assembly will feature speakers, artist performance, and a rally.

Speakers include:

Graça Samo, World March of Women International Secretariat, Mozambique;
Sophie Ogutu, World March of Women, Kenya;
Fania Noel, and Collectif Afroféministe MWASI, Paris;
Kandi Mossett, Indigenous Environmental Network, USA and Canada;
Rose Brewer, AfroEco, United States;
A representative from Friends of the Earth; and a representative from La Via Campesina

When: Tue, Dec 8, 2 pm – 3.50 pm

Where: ZAC 104, the CENTQUATRE, room 200

For Interviews Contact:
Preeti Shekar, [email protected],
Ph: + 1 510 219 4193 (US) or +33 7 5140 1911 (Paris)

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Follow us: @ggjalliance